Odds of Losing Your Job to AI In Pennsylvania

In 2023, there's been a significant shift in how we perceive technology, with a major rise in the use of AI in our daily lives. According to Business Insider, jobs like an "AI prompt engineer" are offering substantial salaries, potentially reaching up to $375,000 annually, even if you don't have a tech background to start with.

This surge in AI is raising questions about the future of American jobs and whether they’ll still be needed. Here at PennStakes.com, we wanted to see the impact of AI on jobs in the Keystone State. That means we're taking just a brief break from the PA online casino market.

By examining the top 100 most common jobs in Pennsylvania (based on the number of employees), we've been able to assess the likelihood of AI replacing jobs over the next two decades, and the findings are quite intriguing. Continue reading to discover where your job fits into this evolving, AI-driven landscape!

The Jobs Most At Risk in Pennsylvania

In Pennsylvania, when analyzing the most common jobs, it seems billing and posting clerks are one of the most at risk of losing their jobs to AI, with odds at a startling 100%, along with:

•    6th* - Office clerks = 100%
•    7th* - General laborers and freight, stock, and material movers = 100%
•    15th* - Bookkeeping, accounting, and auditing clerks = 100%
•    49th* - Packers and packagers = 100%
•    93rd* - Postal service mail carriers = 100%

*Rank of most common jobs in Pennsylvania.

What’s interesting to see is that jobs requiring less qualifications, such as college degrees, are the ones tumbling towards AI replacement in Pennsylvania. However, not everyone can afford such royalties to achieve higher-paid jobs that AI won’t replace.

Maybe this isn’t quite an issue for residents here, though, since this state is one of the top 10 wealthiest states in America, ranking sixth, with as many as 328,859 millionaires recorded living here this year (2023)! 

The Sixth Most Common Job in Pennsylvania Will Likely Be Taken by AI

Our data revealed that although the profession of an office clerk is one of the most common among the people of Pennsylvania, shockingly, this job is still predicted to be dominated by AI.

With as many as 124,270 people in Pennsylvania taking the title of office clerk, this isn’t quite the news workers will want to hear. Although, with that role involving technology to a degree, it’s not quite as surprising as other jobs that also have 100% odds of being replaced by AI, such as general laborers and freight, stock, and material movers, which require human interaction and lifting to be performed successfully.

The Common Jobs in Pennsylvania That Will Rise Above AI

The growing use of AI will dominate a lot of key roles in the Keystone State, but it seems residents working as substance abuse and behavioral disorder counselors will be least affected by AI’s presence, with just a mere 4% chance (or +2,400) of this role being fulfilled by the futuristic technology.

These human-centered care jobs might not be as popular in the state, being the 71st most popular job, but this is likely to change with employment risk AI brings to the table, and the security of jobs in these fields. 

The Most Popular Jobs in America

These are the most popular jobs across the whole of America, including Pennsylvania:

  • Cashiers = 88% chance (or -733) - Despite being the most popular, there’s an imminent risk to this job (81-100%). This is because, with the rise in automated checkouts, comes the challenge of jobs in this sector. Although, it can be said that for a smooth process when scanning your groceries, there needs to be workers available to solve any misscanned barcodes, or ID card checks when buying alcohol, etc. So, should AI really be so relied on?
  • Customer service representatives = 82% chance (or -456) – It seems there’s an imminent risk of this sector being replaced by AI in America, (81-100%), but important qualities, such as social perceptiveness, are difficult to automate, despite people assessing this role as something that needs little human judgment. 
  • Fast food and counter workers = 99% chance (or -9,990) - Despite being one of the top nine jobs for American citizens, there’s an imminent risk to this job. Clever AI systems could easily replace the need for human interaction, but this also poses problems in terms of social perceptiveness and good customer service being affected as a result. 
  • General and operations managers = 38% (or +163) – These jobs are low risk, so the chances of being replaced by AI are relatively low (21-40%) because they require a good mix of human and technical skills to deliver results.
  • Heavy and tractor-trailer truck drivers = 88% chance (or -733) â€“ The odds of this popular job becoming threatened by AI are high, at 81-100%, likely because of the rise in electric, automated vehicles becoming more widespread.
  • Home health and personal care aides = 38% (or +163) – A more low-risk job in terms of AI replacement, since an understanding of and special needs of patients is required to be carried out that AI simply can’t mimic. 
  • Laborers and freight, stock, and material movers = 100% (or -100,000) - These jobs are seen as more repetitive, predictable tasks that don’t require much human judgment, and so this role has 81-100% odds of being at imminent risk.
  • Registered nurses = 10% (or +900) – Minimal risk will come to this band of workers (0-20%) in America because nurses need to possess strong information and personal skills, like caring, that AI simply can’t replicate.
  • Retail salespersons = 66% or (-194) – Despite being one of the most popular, the chances of those with a job in this field face a 61-80%, high-risk chance of AI becoming a threat.

With this newfound knowledge, you’ll have a better understanding of where your job lies in the future, with some reasoning as to why. 


To reveal which jobs are most at risk, we pulled together a list of Pennsylvania’s 100 most common jobs using USWage.com. Using this list, we then utilized willrobotstakemyjob.com, to see which of Pennsylvania’s jobs had the most (and least) risk of being taken over by AI.


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